Topological optimization of binary structures (TOBS)
The method of topological optimization of binary structures (TOBS) was originally developed in the context of optimal distribution of material in mechanical components. In its core, is a heuristic to solve binary optimization problems by first linearizing the objective and constraints. Then, a binary nonlinear program is solved (default solver is Cbc) to determine which binary variables must be flipped in the current iteration.
Packages and parameters
using NonconvexTOBS, TopOpt
E = 1.0 # Young’s modulus
v = 0.3 # Poisson’s ratio
f = 1.0 # downward force
rmin = 6.0 # filter radius
xmin = 0.001 # minimum density
V = 0.5 # maximum volume fraction
p = 3.0 # topological optimization penalty
Define FEA problem
problem_size = (160, 100); # size of rectangular mesh
x0 = fill(1.0, prod(problem_size)); # initial design
problem = PointLoadCantilever(Val{:Linear}, problem_size, (1.0, 1.0), E, v, f);
FEA solver and auxiliary functions need to be defined as well:
solver = FEASolver(Direct, problem; xmin=xmin);
cheqfilter = DensityFilter(solver; rmin=rmin); # filter function
comp = TopOpt.Compliance(solver); # compliance function
The usual topology optimization problem adresses compliance minimization under volume restriction. Therefore, the objective and the constraint are:
obj(x) = comp(cheqfilter(PseudoDensities(x))); # compliance objective
constr(x) = sum(cheqfilter(PseudoDensities(x))) / length(x) - V; # volume fraction constraint
Optimization setup
Finally, the optimization problem is defined and solved:
m = Model(obj); # create optimization model
addvar!(m, zeros(length(x0)), ones(length(x0))); # setup optimization variables
Nonconvex.add_ineq_constraint!(m, constr); # setup volume inequality constraint
options = TOBSOptions(); # optimization options with default values
TopOpt.setpenalty!(solver, p);
Perform TOBS optimization
@time r = Nonconvex.optimize(m, TOBSAlg(), x0; options=options)
NonconvexTOBS.TOBSResult{Vector{Float64}, Float64, Float64}([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 … 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 40.65043198662879, 0.0004943145317016231)
@show obj(r.minimizer)
@show constr(r.minimizer)
topology = r.minimizer;
obj(r.minimizer) = 40.65043198662879
constr(r.minimizer) = -5.5392031406142905e-8
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